We knew it was going to be our biggest ever turnout. How did we know? Because we've added four new tenants in the last 45 days and we had several invited guests who wanted to attend and meet our community. Everyone who said they'd come did come, we had three practitioners who could not attend, yet every seat was filled with fifteen practitioners present. Two of our guests have active proposals with rate quotes, and pending their positive decision to commit their space rental to PWC, we will have just one suite remaining in the 'main' building. That's why this month we are moving ahead with renovations to our phase III, The Annex to Peak Wellness Collaborative.
What is this Power Hour, if you're new to our website? It is the coming together of our practitioners once a month to exchange knowledge and build relationships with each other, to increase synergy, and exchange referrals. We know that a community is stronger than a scattered number of individuals practicing in isolation. People do business with people they trust and know in their community. It's no different here, and a community gets tighter when there is ongoing scheduled regular meet-ups.
We also have another differentiator, her name is Kelly Schoger, our in-house marketing whiz who whips up a storm of social media posts, makes websites, and offers her professional opinion on how to build a successful practice. She is also a wellness practitioner in our Suite #6; her business name is Apothekelly Wellness. She can help you rebalance your body's cells with her PEMF therapy, employing the use of the earth's energy field.