In December we held our second 'power hour' where our practitioners gather and share their wellness knowledge. We've developed this unique approach to build relationships, increase referrals, and disseminate knowledge of the available modalities being offered, with each practitioner having the opportunity to showcase their business. We invited two guests to participate in this discussion, each offering a specialization that was uniquely missing in our growing community. Both were considering leasing space as licensed and certified professionals, and they were impressed with the engaging, talented members of our team. Both individually commented about the high energy in the room, and each of them requested taking next steps to a formal commitment. Today the second of the two leases was signed, and both new practitioners stopped in to pick up keys to their new suites. Stay tuned for an introduction and welcome of our newest wellness providers!
We wrapped up the session promptly after the scheduled one hour from 4 to 5 pm, and decided to meet again on February 7th.